Nevena Stevanović
![Nevena Stevanović](
Position:Junior Research Assistant
Academic Rank: Master of Agricultural Engineering
Nevena Stevanović is working as a Junior Research Assistant at the Center for Biosystems at the BioSens Institute and she is a PhD student at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, specializing in Soil and Water Management. Nevena is involved in the setup and control of irrigation systems, soil sampling, and analysis of its physical and agrochemical properties. Her work includes monitoring the physiological and phenotypic reactions of plants to various agroecological conditions, as well as the application of precision agriculture principles. Additionally, she explores the digitization of biological processes in soil and plant responses to different environmental conditions. Her focus is on understanding plant adaptability and their potential to increase resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. In line with this, she gains experience in predicting plant behavior in different conditions and contributes to the timely implementation of measures to avoid risks in crop production. Her expertise also includes the application of precision agriculture principles, where she utilizes modern technologies and sensors to optimize agricultural processes. She is dedicated to enhancing agricultural production through the integration of scientific knowledge, digitization, and innovative methods in practice.
1. Agri-food applications
2. Ecological interactions
Стевановић, Н., Липовац, A., Зорнић, В., Животић, Љ., Ђуровић, Н., Стричевић Р. (2022) Процена снабдевености природних травњака водом применом временске серије сателитских снимака. Симпозијум „Земљишта у доба прецизне пољопривреде и информационих технологија“ SoilAgroIT 2022. Нови Сад 16-17 јун 2022. Kњига апстраката, стр.28-29. Издавач:Пољопривредни факултет Нови Сад
Ljubičić, N., Pajić, M., Kostić, M. Gligorević, K., Dražić, M., Buđen, M., Stevanović, N., Stanković, N. (2023): Spectral reflectance indices in grain yield estimation of maize (Zea Mays, L), The 6th International Symosium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE 2023 19th – 21st October 2023, Belgrade, Serbia ISAE 2023 Book of Abstracts, 27
Ljubičić, N., Pajić, M., Kostić, M. Gligorević, K., Dražić, M., Buđen, M., Stanković, N., Stevanović, N. (2023): Different NDVI measurements for early grain yield estimation of maize, The 6th International Symosium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE 2023 19th – 21st October 2023, Belgrade, Serbia ISAE 2023 Book of Abstracts, 28