Željko Bajić
![Željko Bajić](https://api.biosens.rs/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Zeljko-Bajic.jpg)
Position:Senior associate in the Centre for Product Development
Željko Bajić obtains MSc in Computer science at Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad in 2012. He works as a senior associate at BioSense institute since 2018. His expertise covers full stack technologies mostly based on Java programming language and Web development. He participates in several national and international research projects.
1. Agrobot for in-field soil analysis
2. AgroSense
3. New technologies are restoring the trust between producers and insurance companies
4. Government
1. Smart-AKIS- European Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) towards innovation-driven research in Smart Farming Technology
2. ANTARES- Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
3. eLTER PPP- eLTER preparatory phase project
4. EUDAT 2020
5. AgroSense APV
6. Optimization of sampling location and number of soil samples based on processing of satellite images of plots and zoning in order to reduce costs
7. Detection of usurped state-owned agricultural land and detection of burning of crop residues on the territory of APV
8. The use of satellite images during the growing season in order to visualize crop variation and develop maps for rational variable nitrogen supplementation
9. Application of modern information technologies in vocational agricultural schools and agricultural stations
10. Analysis of collected data using unmanned aerial vehicles
11. Climate Farm Demo