KOMUNALT- Enhancement of knowledge and COMMUNication skills of researchers in ALTernative protein field
Implementation period: 01/09/2021 - 01/09/2022
Type of Project: National
Internet presentation: https://komunalt.rs/
Project aim: Project aim is enhancement of knowledge and COMMUNication skills of researchers in ALTernative protein field
About the project: COMMUNALT focuses on research on alternative proteins (AP) and their application in practice. APs are important because they are produced in a sustainable way, with a reduced negative impact on the environment, less land/water use, with less pollution. APs reduce the risk of spreading (zoonotic) diseases, do not require the use of antibiotics, and provide a stable food source for many people on the planet. The scientific community and the public in Serbia are not sufficiently acquainted with the current development of the AP. The BioSense is the only one in Serbia that actively deals with cultivated meat (type of AP) through 2 projects funded by the Good Food Institute from USA (https://gfi.org) (www.realsense.rs), as well as through the activities of the student group The BioSense Alt. Protein Project (https://tinyurl.com/4z82nke5), also supported by the GFI. The focus is on developing the capacity of researchers in the field of AP through 1) online workshops on scientific communication 2) a conference with the aim of presenting existing technologies/methods that could be applied in the field of AP.